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Matcha Challah

The glorious, sweet and tasty flavor of Matcha Tea, inside a challah. Thanks to the awesome folks at Matcha Box for providing us with the best matcha tea around.


☐ WARM WATER • 1 cup

☐ RAPID RISE YEAST • 1 packet

☐ FLOUR • 3 cups

☐ SUGAR • 1/3 cup

☐ SALT • ½ teaspoon

☐ MATCHA TEA POWDER • 3 tablespoons

☐ CANOLA OR VEGETABLE OIL • 2 tablespoons


☐ BAKING POWDER • 2 teaspoons

☐ WATER • 2 tablespoons

☐ CANOLA OR VEGETABLE OIL • 3 tablespoons


30 MINUTE prep

2-3 HOURS first rise

20 MINUTES braiding

1 HOUR second rise

25-35 MINUTES oven time

1 big 2 lb Challah


  1. Empty yeast packet into small bowl, add a pinch of sugar and pour 1 cup warm water over top. Set aside so the yeast can poof.

  2. In a big bowl, whisk together 3 cups flour, 1/ teaspoons salt, 1/3 cup sugar and 3 tablespoons matcha tea powder. 

  3. Pour 2 tablespoons of canola or vegetable oil and your warm water + yeast mixture (that has since gotten poofy). 

  4. Make your egg replacement mixture: In a new small bowl, mix together 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons water and 3 tablespoons canola or vegetable oil. 

  5. Pour your yeasty water and your egg replacement mixture over top of your big bowl of dry ingredients. Mix as you pour.

  6. Mix dough until smooth, add up to 1 cup additional flour until dough leaves the side of the bowl. 

  7. Coat the inside of a big bowl lightly with oil and drop your ball of dough inside. Cover with a damp cloth, and let rise on your counter for 2-3 hours.

  8. After your dough has doubled in size, dump it out onto a lightly floured surface. Gently knead the dough to get out any big air bubbles, then braid as desired. Place your braided dough onto a lightly greased and foil - lined baking sheet. Cover with damp cloth and let rise 1 more hour. 

  9. Using a pastry brush, coat your challah with a thin layer of egg white. 

  10. Pre-heat your oven to 325 degrees, and toss that bad boy inside for 26-32 minutes. 

  11. Once it is evenly golden brown on top, take your challah out of the oven, place on a cooling rack. Do not cover. Allow to cool, then put it in your face.

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